
segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2016

Canadá: Som Misterioso vindo do Interior da Terra

Canadá: Som Misterioso vindo das Profundezas da Terra

Algo de muito estranho está a acontecer numa zona do Canadá. Os animais deram em debandada e as pessoas estão assustadas. 

"Uma espécie de zumbido está a aterrorizar os animais e a confundir a população de Nunavut, no norte do Canadá. As autoridades ainda não determinaram a origem do som.

O fenómeno, descrito como "apito", "zumbido" e "assobio", é ouvido no Estreito de Hecla e Fury, a cerca de 120 quilómetros de Igloolik (Canadá), desde o verão. O primeiro alerta foi dado pelos caçadores da localidade que, de acordo com a canadiana "CBC News", estão desconcertados pelo murmúrio que, supostamente, virá do fundo do mar. 

Qualquer que seja a causa, é certo que o som está a assustar os animais, disse à "CBC News" Paul Quassa, membro da Assembleia Legislativa local. "Esta é uma das principais áreas de caça no verão e no inverno, porque tem um espaço de água rodeado por gelo, abundante em mamíferos marítimos", explicou, acrescentando que este ano não foi possível avistar nenhum. 

De acordo com ambientalistas e moradores locais, pode haver várias explicações para o sucedido. Fala-se na possibilidade de os sons serem causados por navios que navegam na zona ou por actividades da Greenpeace que, destinadas a salvar animais, acabam por assustá-los. Aquela organização ambientalista descarta-se das acusações e as autoridades locais, bem como as Forças Armadas do Canadá, estão a investigar o caso.fonte

O som misterioso que está a deixar todos assustados. 

In The Guardian

Canadian army investigate mysterious 'pinging' sound coming from sea floor

Hunters in a remote community in the Canadian Arctic are concerned about a beeping sound that’s scaring animals away from a popular hunting area

The Canadian armed forces have sent a crew to investigate reports of a mysterious “pinging” sound that seemed to be coming from the sea floor.

Hunters in a remote community in the Canadian Arctic have become concerned about a pinging or beeping sound they say they’ve been hearing in the Fury and Hecla Strait, a channel of water that’s 120km (75 miles) north-west of the Inuit hamlet Igloolik.

Paul Quassa, a local politician, told CBC that the sound seems to be coming from the sea floor, and is scaring animals away from a popular hunting area of open water surrounded by ice that is usually abundant with sea mammals.

“And this time around, this summer, there were hardly any. And this became a suspicious thing,” he said.

Several reports were passed to the military, which sent a CP-140 Aurora patrol aircraft to investigate on Tuesday under the mandate of Operation Limpid, a domestic surveillance programme designed to “detect, deter, prevent, pre-empt and defeat threats aimed at Canada or Canadian interests”.

In a statement, Department of National Defence spokeswoman Ashley Lemire said: “The Canadian armed forces are aware of allegations of unusual sounds emanating from the seabed in the Fury and Hecla Strait in Nunavut. The air crew performed various multi-sensor searches in the area, including an acoustic search for 1.5 hours, without detecting any acoustic anomalies. The crew did not detect any surface or subsurface contacts.

“The crew did observe two pods of whales and six walruses in the area of interest.

“At this time the Department of National Defence does not intend to do any further investigations.”

That hasn’t stopped people from theorising about the source of the sounds, which have been variously attributed to the sonar surveys of local mining operations or to Greenpeace activists.

Sonar is used by mining companies to make detailed maps of the sea floor in their search for offshore oil and gas. The sonar is known to disturb marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. However, the Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation, which has conducted sonar surveys nearby, told CBC it has no equipment in the water at this time.

Others believe that Greenpeace is creating the sound on purpose to scare wildlife away from Inuit hunters – an allegation Greenpeace denies.

Mysterious sounds have a tendency to send people’s imaginations into overdrive. Earlier this year a high-pitched flute-like noise kept people in Portland, Oregon, awake. The steady whistling noise had also been heard by residents several decades previously.

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